Here's another kit coming from Dragon Momoko. Yet another version of the strike. Don't get me wrong it looks great and all but what's new with this one.
The Strike Noir is one of the main suits used in Gundam Seed Stargazer. It’s basically a specialized Strike E. with a more melee/close ranged IWSP pack.
For those who don’t know, Dragon Momoko a manufacturer of third party kits. The designs they use are redesigns of Bandai so the details of the details of their kits are different from Bandai’s (more on that later). Did they bring their “A” game with this kit? So with that in mind, here's the review of Dragon Momoko's Strike Noir.

Again with the same white cover. The same white manual. Even the same brown box that we know and love. It comes with 33 runners, carefully placed in 9 plastic packaging. The manual has another momoko trademark, the unusual, unexplainable names of the runner (like pj2 or xb?? Like what the heck?) Other than that it's more or less the same as the other strike. It also comes with the usual sticker and waterslide decals.

Sharpen your hobby knives cause yo gonna do a lot of shavin'. The Noir keeps its signature Dragon Momoko tight fitting pegs. Almost all polycaps needed it. Some armor panels (like the back armor, elbow, details on the wing) also like to pop out. Nothing out of the ordinary for a third party kit.
Incredible work from DM for the details. Really really nice. It's all I can say
about it. Really good job. Aside from that, it comes with 2 bendy wire for the
rocket anchor. But I'm not really a fan of that.
Good plastic quality. It's not coated so awesome for straight build. Not really daban standard, but really far from hongli.
Very posable. Arms doesn't go falling off. Make sure you hear a snap when fitting the legs, so it won't go falling(just like the dm tallgeese). Overall good posable kit.
Shoulder armor is
hard to snap. Results into stress marks.
Be very careful with
the articulated hands. It is prone to tearing when you're not careful. (I lost
a finger and the connecting joint to the gunpla gods)
Non articulated hand
have problems holding the handguns.
Super tight fit when changing the hands.
It's a cool looking
gundam. DM really did a great redesign with this kit. The tight fit issue is
not really a big problem. Overall, awesome kit. Get this kit! It's worth the