Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Review: MG Akatsuki Gundam (Dragon Momoko)

The Akatsuki Gundam created by the nation of Orb in the Gundam Seed Destiny series. 

This particular model kit is based on the Dragon momoko strike inner frame which is basically a sligtly modded strike RM  inner frame.

This kit comes with both the Oowashi and Shiranui backpacks 2 beam sabers, a number of beam effects, beam rifle, a number of different fixed hands, a pair of version 3 hands and a shield.

As I have said. The DM( Dragon Momoko) Akatsuki uses a modified Strike inner frame and this results in a very flexible and posable kit. Unfortunately this kit comes with the disadvantages of that innerfrane design. Issues with the frame are tight joints and very loose ankles.

Most of the inner frame parts are not undergated (nub marks are hidden under the part so they wont be seen) except those from the O and M  runners.

Did I say that the ankles are loose? Yes? Well... I'll tell you again. The ankles sre very loose. Annoyingly loose.

Let's discuss the main suit.

Obviously, this kit is colored gold. And its a good thing that the gold in this kit is not plated but rather injected because not all armor parts are undergated and you might want to touch it out repaint it .

Some parts in the wrists, shoulders, thighs and ankles are prone to nub marks.

A confession: I dont like this pack. It's too bulky, it really doesn't look cool (my opinion).

To be more objective the back connector is loose and the pack keeps falling off.

The Oowashi pack. In my opinion the better looking of the 2 Akatsuki backpacks. This is a transformable booster with missiles and 2 cannons.

Equipping it on the Akatsuki doesnt make it too unbalanced plus the addition of black, white and red accents help break up the monotony of gold.


Posability: even though the frame is very posable. By adding all the armor, its overall range of movement is reduced. Also... loose ankles and be careful.of the flexible hands. They have been know to lose fingers

Plastics: same as the DM strike. Armor parts are mostly undergated. Frame parts are not. Plastic quality is good softer than Bandai but still crisp. The gold color isnt plated so you can paint over it.

Extras: 2 backpacks, water slide decals, a number of beam effects, stickers. It doesnt have a stand/action base included

Final thoughts: its not as gold as i expected it to be. And those ankles irritate the heck out of me. But aside from those issues I would say this is a very detailed and unique kit

Should you buy it? Yes.but wait for the hype and price to go down a little. Its not as good as the sword and launcher strike detail wise.

Rating: 85


  1. Another Informative Knowledge from the Guru ^_^
    Kepp it Up!

  2. Yeah! and my local shop selling it for 1,750 Pesos!! and Daban Zasabi for 1,650 Pesos!

    #Bestbuy DM's Sword Launcher

  3. Aparently you can fix the loose ankles by forcing it a bit more until you feel a little click. I have the launcher strike and a lot of people are complaining on the same issue. Hope this help.

  4. yeah the DM plastic si softer than bandai, even i need to slowly cut the nubmark.

    Gundam Tricks Indo

  5. I have the same kit as yours but the ankle is not arnaldo said, force it in until u hear a click. My only problem with this kit are the movable fingers. Too sensitive! I broke 1 finger and lose one finger joint.

  6. which one is better, Daban or Dragon Momoko?? please inform

    1. It really depends onvthe kit you are looking for. Detail wise. I would go for dragon momoko. Specially the tallgeese,strike series. But if uts plastic quality of bootlegs I woud suggest daban. I use Daban's Nu ver ka as my comparison point to all my reviews because for me it has the best plastic quality out of all the bootlegs out there.

  7. did you have any trouble with the head? the crest on my seems too high and the eyes seem to low, did you mod yours it looks better.

  8. the dm mg freedom gundam have the same issue the loose ankle

  9. thats why i really love and like Gundam
